The Java platform is the choice of developing server-side applications. Developing highly interactive applications and software that users like to use is typically a challenging job. Java applets have been a RIA development choice since long. However, they still take gradually more to load, as the browser has to load and run entire JRE. So because of such kind of issues java has not succeeded as a RIA.

Well, open source Flex and Java could be a perfect combination of technologies for developing rich and highly interactive applications for the desktop and web.

For developers, combination of Java and Flex technologies is an extensive practical walkthrough to create Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). Flex Development is a great technology which has such a full-fledged component library for rich user interface. Using of Java as the back-end server side business logic and Flex as the front-end technology is the most advanced way for developing RIA Applications.

In such a case, BlazeDS which is the new adobe open source library facilitates communication between Flex and Java server-side. BlazeDS and Flex tools offer their extensibility for the Java developers. Adobe Flex is a real treat with the familiarity, tools support and simplicity of integration with the Java platform. It’s a great opportunity for two wonderful technologies to come together in creating high performance and interactive applications which give richer experience to the end users.

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